Rád bych vás pozval do našeho fantasy RPG!! Co je na naší hře netradiční je, že celá hra je v angličtině! Inspirovali jsme se Percy Jacksonem, MHA, Shadow Hunders a dalšími, a z našeho zvláštního mixu vzniklo fantasy RPG na téma magického kempu pro osoby s nadpřirozenými schopnostmi.
A teď už anglicky:

Did your parents tell you stories about the fantasy world when you were young and couldn’t fall asleep? I believe you heard about the fairies watching over you, the giants sleeping in mountains or the dragon guarding its territory. But what if it’s all real?

We are a role-play discord community based on the thought of a magical camp for people with powers and we are looking for new campers to join our camp for this season. So, what do you say, are you ready for the adventure?

what do we offer?
– loads of fun
– interesting plot twists
– time-friendly game
– amazing admin team

our website: https://rpg-camp-vestia.webnode.page/
join us on discord!! https://discord.gg/8VB9P4M24T

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